Help Support and Honor Our Seniors

We know that as a donor to the Jewish Home & Senior Living Foundation, you are driven by a desire to make a difference in the lives of our community of elders. Please know that your support allows us to uphold patient-centered, family-focused and Jewish values, which compel us to care for all who need it.

Thank You Donors

FY23 ANNUAL report

Making Meaning in the Kitchen

Making Meaning in the Kitchen

This year, with support from Sinai Memorial Chapel’s century-old tradition of Ma’ot Chitim, or wheat money,…

Haircuts and Hearts: Beautician Frieda Saenz Celebrates 50+ Years

Haircuts and Hearts: Beautician Frieda Saenz Celebrates 50+ Years

On her first day on the job back in 1972, Frieda Saenz declared, “I’m never…

One Family’s Story of Survival, Endurance & Optimism

One Family’s Story of Survival, Endurance & Optimism

Deborah Estreicher has become a familiar face on campus. Apart from an auto malfunction and…

Meet Barbara DeLeon, Nurse Manager for Our APU

Meet Barbara DeLeon, Nurse Manager for Our APU

SFCJL operates one of California’s few acute geriatric psychiatric hospitals. Only two counties (San Francisco…

The Key to Caring: Meet Our Director of Volunteer Services

The Key to Caring: Meet Our Director of Volunteer Services

Meet Keyatta (Key) Shade, our Director of Volunteer Services! We sat down with Key to…

A Zest for Life: Meet Tanja Nicklisch, Life Enrichment Coordinator

A Zest for Life: Meet Tanja Nicklisch, Life Enrichment Coordinator

Tanja Nicklisch has always had a love for people. “I’m pretty good at connecting with…