Making Meaning in the Kitchen

April 24, 2024

This year, with support from Sinai Memorial Chapel’s century-old tradition of Ma’ot Chitim, or wheat money, we kashered our kitchens for Passover 5784. Dennis Choe, our director of dining services, was so moved by participating in such an ancient ritual that he wrote the following message, which we are pleased to share with you, along with […]

Celebrating Sukkot 5784

October 2, 2023

CEO Adrienne Green, M.D. addressed the intergenerational crowd of 60 people at our Sukkot celebration on Sunday, October 1. Hello everyone, thank you so much for coming to today’s Sukkot gathering. Our wonderful sukkah was decorated by our residents and students from the Brandeis School of San Francisco. They did a fantastic job bringing it […]


August 19, 2022

by Katherine Tick Living Our Jewish Values is an initiative we launched earlier this year to enrich the spiritual experience for residents and their families, staff, and volunteers, by aligning ourselves with the Jewish values that are the foundation of our organization. When we observe holidays and cultural moments of note while connecting them to […]

L’Dor v’Dor

July 11, 2022

by Katherine Tick Living Our Jewish Values is an initiative we launched earlier this year to enrich the spiritual experience for residents and their families, staff, and volunteers, by aligning ourselves with the Jewish values that are the foundation of our organization. When we observe holidays and cultural moments of note while connecting them to […]

Finding Ourselves in the Pages of History: SFCJL in the Archives of the J.

What a gift to discover – 150 years of history in J. Weekly’s new digital archives. As the paper’s editor encouraged its readers, we searched for our own name in the archives. We found dozens of news stories about the San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living (SFCJL), and Jewish Home, and Hebrew Home for Aged […]


June 21, 2022

By Katherine Tick Living Our Jewish Values is an initiative we launched earlier this year to enrich the spiritual experience for residents and their families, staff, and volunteers, by aligning ourselves with the Jewish values that are the foundation of our organization. When we observe holidays and cultural moments of note while connecting them to […]

Meet the BAJHC Rabbis: Rabbi Eric Weiss

May 6, 2022

The San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living (SFCJL) is proud and honored to partner with the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center (BAJHC), an integral part of Jewish life on our campus. Our core values and philosophy are founded on Jewish tradition and encompass respect for elders and responsibility for the welfare of others. With their […]

Eishet Chayil

April 28, 2022

By Katherine Tick Living Our Jewish Values is an initiative we launched earlier this year to strengthen the feeling of community and enrich the spiritual experience for residents and their families, staff, and volunteers, by aligning ourselves with the Jewish values that are the foundation of our organization. This includes programs, activities, and events that […]

Making Masks for Purim

March 16, 2022

Purim is a joyous holiday celebrating the saving of the Jews from a threatened massacre at the hands of an evil Persian vizier, Haman. The story of Purim is told in the Book of Esther, whose eponymous heroine plays the leading role in saving her people. The holiday is traditionally celebrated with wild abandon and […]